
clock time saver

We only have 24 hours in a day and it’s up to us how to make the most of it. We live in this era where we try to juggle our personal lives and our careers and multi-tasking is a virtue. That’s why we need some time saving techniques in our lives so that we can maximize each moment and make use of it productively. Therefore, I want to share with you my top most practical time saver tips which are quite simple and easy to do.

1. Start working on a project or task for an allowable period. Rather than trying to squeeze in and finish one project or task at a certain period, try to work on that for only a few minutes, like say, 15 or 20 minutes and see for yourself how much you could get done within that period.

It is a real time saver when you remain concentrated and push yourself to get as much as you could. This technique is most especially useful when you have those projects or assignments you have been putting off for some time now.

2. Ever heard of 15 minutes of fame? Well, why not try the 15 minutes of time saver? Ask yourself if you got some spare 15 minutes in a day that you can make use of efficiently and productively. When you save even just 15 minutes each day, it can give you a massive 91 additional hours in a year.

Think about that—a real time saver.

3. Carry out your tasks or assignments less regularly. Let’s say you conduct your meetings each month rather than every two weeks. Have a general cleaning every 2 weeks instead of every 7 days.

4. If you can afford it, hire somebody to do some house cleaning, lawn mowing, laundry, etc. as often as you can as long as you can afford it.

5. Set aside your clothing/attire in advance for the following week.

6. Another great time saver tip is having your own calendar, timetable or agenda of some sort to arrange your upcoming social events, appointments, etc.

In this way, you can always decline invitations, and you can check your schedule every now and then if ever you’re already booked for a certain occasion.

7. Prepare food on a Sunday when it’s not frantic and busy for the forthcoming week. So that when you arrive home, you can merely heat it up and food is served!

The author of this article, Amy Twain, is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Let Amy help you achieve job satisfaction through her new ebook. Alternatively click here for Amazon’s Kindle Edition.

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