jiordvfcqtl1051ayfxk“Instantly focus, block out distractions and develop better work habits.”

A new Indiegogo Campaign for the upcoming “world’s first smart device and software designed to make you more productive and do great work.”


Why Saent?

Billions of web pages. Thousands of cable television channels. A never-ending stream of social media messages. Our always connected digital world has stretched our attentions to the breaking point. With all those distractions, it’s harder than ever to focus and get work done.

A lot of people think the solution is to multitask, but multitasking is actually a myth. Only 3% of people are actually capable of productive multitasking. The rest of us just do something called “task switching,” which leads to mistakes and poor quality work. What we really need is a way to block out distractions and enable true focus.

That’s why we’re building Saent (pronounced “saint”). We think the very technologies that got us here can also help us reclaim our attention spans and make it possible to lead better, more productive lives. We’re on a mission to help you do great work.
