CC BY by N@ncyN@nce
In an article titled “5 Time Saving Tips You Can Apply Now,” I showed you 5 time saving tips. Here are another 5 time savings tips you can apply now:
1. Say “no” to anything that wastes your time. You’ll have to say “no” to people or social events that will slow you down in reaching your goals. If your friend wants to go see a movie with you and you want to work on your goals, you’ll have to say “no.”
2. Delegate. If you’re overwhelmed with work, delegate some of it to others. Not only will you get things done quicker, but it’ll free up your time to do other things. You might delegate your routine tasks so you can work on the more complicated tasks.
3. Avoid surfing the web while working. When you give in to the distraction of web surfing during your working hours, you’ll take longer to finish your tasks. Use FireFox as your web browser and install the LeechBlock add-on. LeechBlock will block the sites you specify. So if you visit YouTube or Facebook a lot, you can use LeechBlock to block them for you.
4. Use keyboard shortcut keys. Using a keyboard shortcut key will save you a few seconds each time. But it can add up to a lot of time because you’ll use them hundreds or even thousands of times. Two shortcut keys you should learn first are Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. They do the “Copy” and “Paste” functions.
5. Use a mouse with side buttons. Using a mouse with side buttons will save you a few seconds each time you use them. For instance, you might have 2 side buttons on your mouse. You can make one of them perform the “Back” function in your web browser. And the other side button can perform the “Forward” web browser function. You’ll find it more convenient. And you’ll save time from having to move your mouse cursor to click the “Back” and “Forward” buttons.